IMAGIN3 ENERGY SOLUTIONS sees our changing world as a constant opportunity to provide innovative energy solutions which respond to current and future needs.  Eco-friendly building and awareness is not a luxury, it's our responsibility.

A.  Efficiency FIRST 
B.  To identify energy efficiency, comfort, savings and overall environmental impact problems in homes and buildings, and to provide cost effective solutions for their occupants.
C.  Providing analysis, home energy audits and RESNET ratings for new and existing residential homes.  Providing simple, cost effective SOLUTIONS to save owners money, eliminate or lessen energy waste and reduce OUR carbon footprint together.
D.  Keeping on the cutting edge of education and current successful "green building" techniques. (also tying into #1 and #2)

E. Consulting owners and suggesting ideas for maintaining environmental awareness from things as simple as home placement and roof overhangs to fully independent "off the grid" systems.

F.  Consultation to businesses and homeowners on energy independent systems, lessening their footprint and choosing the correct system for their needs and their location.

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The Philosophy of IMAGIN3 Energy Solutuions

The opportunities that exist in the sustainable, renewable and eco-friendly business proposed in this venture are very exciting.  It is important to cease these opportunities NOW, but to do so by maintaining an eco-responsibility and remaining LEAN in both organization and impact.  Sustainability is defined as "
meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."  Sustainable business development and addressing environmental concerns is not only the cost of doing business, but is a potent source of competitive advantage.  If we embrace these concepts we can effectively realize the advantages: efficient process and systems, improvements to productivity, new market opportunities with both current and future impact.  The values set forth  develop trust, apply integrity and service quality through careful analysis, owner awareness (education) and innovative solutions.  Sustainability is not a luxury it is OUR responsibility.  It feels good lead by example and to help others understand how important it is to “do the right thing.”